Dominion Fellowship Ministries began in 1988 with one-on-one street evangelism and in-house bible study, and grew into an urban outreach ministry. With a focus on urban transformation and “Kingdom” building. Dominion has grown from a small group of believers ministering on the streets of Newark. Into a coalition of several ministries, with a focus on the spiritual restoration of the community. Dominion is dedicated to ministering to the community through, a “Faith & Feeding Ministry” program at the 16th Street Manna Station. The “Manna Meal Mobile” and the “Urban Convocation”. Dominion has also established a Seminary program by becoming the New Jersey extension of Eastern Theological Seminary with the parent school located in Lynchburg Virginia.

Dominion has experienced an uphill and turbulent first twenty five years. To God be the glory! Our urban outreach ministry focus is consistent with our calling. As we must continue to go where the work is unattractive an do what seems unglamorous. The challenges are daunting. The rewards are glorious. Indeed these are times that try men’s souls.

In the midst of these trying times we have this consolation; the more difficult the struggle the more glorious the victory. We must stay the course and in so doing we have this blessed assurance – the glorious victory is ours-the glorious battle is the Lords. This is our Father’s business and we must be about it. The harvest is plenty.

We have prayed to the Lord of the harvest for laborers. The Lord has heard the prayer and the laborers have moved into position. Dominion’s Strategic Operations Council is now fully mobilized and overseeing the Transformation Newark operation. Dominion Coalition is in position and poised for full evangelical outreach implementation. The Tactical Operations Committee is moving forward toward 100% street adoption in the Pray For Newark collaborative effort with the Caring Network, World Impact and Harvest Evangelism. Manna Station operations are progressing along with Eastern Theological Seminary as our Kingdom ministry training arm. ReMA with support from the Metro family is expanding it’s function and infrastructure.

We thank God for those that have partnered with us, and for those that minister at the Manna Station. We must stay the course. For better days are yet to come and greater things are still to be done. Let us not be weary in well doing – in due season we will reap if we faint not.